Orphaned young Violet Wheeler has been brought up by her aunt - but when Winnie dies she feels she's..
Trixie and her fellow lumberjills are back in Scotland newly stationed at the MacKay estate. When th..
When tragedy strikes Libby Gilbert is left homeless and destitute fending for herself on the capital..
In 1871 young Daisy Fraser is living in the Yorkshire Dales with her beloved family. Her sister Kitt..
It’s 1957 and three young women are beginning their nursing training at the Florence Nightingale H..
Lizzie is an orphan living with her Aunt Annie Uncle Perce and two boy cousins within a stone's thro..
Thirteen-year-old Bella lives at the Woodman Inn - an ancient hostelry run by her family in the York..
Deep in the wild fen country Rosamund Morley lived a cloistered poverty-stricken existence with her ..
Three very different girls sign up as trainee nurses at a big London teaching hospital in 1934. Dora..
1915. While World War One changes the country with food becoming scarce and Britain's young men bein..
1961. Lucia once dreamed of a man who would love her. She has lost hope because what man would when ..
The Tsar's Dragons series follows the epic tale of nineteenth-century industrialist John Hughes who ..
Claudia Muldoon and her sister Jenny live with their parents and their gran in her house in Blodwen ..
When Tsar Alexander II decided to drag Russia into the industrial age he began by inviting Welsh bus..
It’s Christmas 1880 in London’s East End and a dying Irish girl leaves her baby in the care of t..