After thirty years of service former Chief Constable Bob Skinner faces the possible end of his polic..
3a.m. on a frozen winter’s night only hours after the results of the general election. A small cra..
When a young trooper is shot in the head at the Regiment’s renowned Killing House Nick Stone is pe..
What comes to mind when you picture a wedding at Christmas? A gorgeous white dress accessorised with..
We all think we know who we are. What we’re capable of. Roz is a single mother a physiotherapist a..
It's a busy weekend for Lina: she wins a dance competition annoys a valuable client and has to play ..
Imagine not knowing the father of your child. Not knowing his name. What he looks like. Or what sort..
In 1946 Regina Robichard is a rarity. A young New York civil rights lawyer working for Thurgood Mars..
Amy’s always felt like something’s been missing in her life. When a tragedy forces the family sh..
Music mogul Rowena Krebs is now a legend - she’s even made it to the Hall of Fame. Her old rival n..
Nell O’Driscoll has known Marcus Kilburton for years - according to her diary she even had a crush..
The lives of Rosalie Douglas and her teenage daughter Maddie are changed forever when they meet the ..
Penelope Devereux is a legendary beauty in the court of Elizabeth but it's not just her looks which ..
London 1841. Mr Jeremiah Blake and Captain William Avery recently returned from India are invited by..
Calcutta 1837. The East India Company rules India - or most of it; and its most notorious and celebr..