November and evening is closing in as DI Jack Caffery arrives to interview the victim of a stolen car. The man who's stolen the car has also taken an eleven year-old girl. And she's still missing. Sergeant Flea Marley has heard about the car-jacker. He's done it before she tells Caffery. Twice. Only previously he's let the girls go. A day later the car is found. Inside there's a letter: “It's started”. And Caffery knows that soon the jacker will choose another random car the only important thing being the girl in the back seat. Caffery's a good and instinctive cop but this time the jacker seems to be ahead of him - every step of the way...
- Published by Isis Publishing Ltd
- Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
- Genre Thriller
- Target Audience Adult
- Released 1st June 2010
- Duration 13 Hrs. 30 Mins.
- ISBN 0000000269689